Our School

Values in Action

As a Character Education Partnership National School, we embrace and teach the following traits: respect, responsibility, integrity, positive attitude, initiative, perseverance, cooperation and kindness.

We ask that you partner with us in reinforcing the character traits at home. It is only through our partnership (between home and school) that we can build a caring, cooperative community dedicated to learning. It is our desire that each of our students learns to treat others as they themselves would want to be treated.


I pledge to respect myself and others,
And to be responsible member of my community.
I will respectfully listen,

Respect others' rights
And try to make wise decisions.


Eagle "I's"

  • I will respect other's rights.

Keep hands, feet and all objects to myself.

  • I will be a respectful listener.

Respect other's opinions.

  • I will be a responsible person.

Complete all work and make good choices.

  • I will make wise decisions.

Consider other's feelings as well as my own.

  • I will work for the best solution.

Develop a positive attitude that all things can be worked out.

Two upper school students inspecting a model of a DNA helix

School Accountability
Report Card

The executive summary of the School Accountability Report Card (SARC) is intended to provide parents and community members with a quick snapshot of school accountability. For additional information about the school, parents and community members should review the entire SARC or contact the school principal or the Superintendent’s Office.